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Odd Socks Day 2023

2 min read

Odd Socks Day 2023

I was the weird kid in school.


I didn't fit in, and I knew it. And I knew that everyone knew it.


I tried to make friends, but with each rejection, I got more and more depressed. I felt like a failure because I couldn't be "normal" like everyone else seemed to be.


odd sock day 2023

The first time I remember being made aware of my differences was when I was in  school and started getting bullied for being "weird."  It hurt so much that all I wanted to do was disappear.

When I told my parents I wanted to succeed in a man’s world, (advertising industry in the 80”s)  my mum said she wished I’d become a secretary or nurse like everyone else. I guess she was trying to make my life easier for me. Anyway I backed myself and I made it.

Then something happened: I started accepting myself for who I am—a weirdo who doesn't fit in anywhere—and from that point on, things started getting better! After years of trying to fit in I finally embraced my weirdness and began to shine.

Nowadays when someone asks me what my favourite movie is, instead of saying "Star Wars" like everyone else does, I say "Empire of the Sun." And when someone asks me what my favourite book is, instead of saying "Harry Potter" like everyone else does, I say "The Book Thief." 

I'm still weird—but now weird is good! 😜


Odd Socks Day is an awareness initiative that aims to break down the stigma surrounding mental health and encourage open conversations. The idea behind wearing odd socks is to spark discussions about mental health and remind people that it's okay to have ups and downs.


Mental health is a critical issue, as statistics show that one in five Australians between the ages of 16 and 85 experiences mental illness each year.


It's an opportunity for people to come together, have some fun, and support those who may be struggling with mental health challenges.

So please wear your odd socks on October 6th and start the conversation. 

Smiles guaranteed 😃